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Sabina's Story: Surviving Lymphoma

When Naval Square resident Sabina Borza noticed a lump above her collarbone in October 2013, she was 37 weeks pregnant with her daughter Anaïs. Worried about what it could mean, she phoned her husband David, an anesthesia and critical care resident at Penn. He advised her to contact her doctor immediately.

They soon both realized that the situation called for more than a general practitioner; one week later, Borza found herself in the office of Penn’s Dr. John Glick, a leading expert in breast cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Based on his experience with the disease, Dr. Glick presumed that Borza might have lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. It is most frequently diagnosed among young people aged 20 to 34 (Borza is in her early 30s). Only surgical biopsy of the affected lymph node, however, would be confirmatory.

In Borza’s opinion, being diagnosed late in her pregnancy was actually a blessing, as now she and David would not have to worry about the effects of toxic treatments on the developing baby. They decided to welcome their daughter at 39 weeks so that the biopsy could be performed as soon as possible.

Two weeks following the birth of Anaïs, surgery confirmed the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Fortunately, the cancer was stage IIa, which carries a highly favorable outcome. That December, Sabina began two cycles of a punishing chemotherapy regimen consisting of Adriamycin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine (ABVD). Although her disease responded well to the treatment, Borza found herself extremely fatigued as a result. She believes it is hard to say which was harder on her: caring for a five-week-old infant and coping with postpartum hormonal changes or enduring the side effects of the chemotherapy. Either way, she was exhausted.

Afraid that her compromised immune system would not fare well in the harsh winter weather, Borza isolated herself at home during this time. After the chemotherapy, she jokes, radiation therapy was a “piece of cake” by comparison. Borza received proton therapy, which is specifically targeted to the affected areas of the body and only roughly 100,000 people have received to date. Her skin still bears the tiny tattoos that record the treated regions.

While undergoing radiation treatments in February 2014, Borza joined Moms in Training, a team with nationwide chapters sponsored by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She trained with other new moms to get in shape and run in the Broad Street Run. For many participants, joining was personal; they trained and fundraised to support the morale or memory of an affected friend or family member. In addition, the group was a great way to regain post-baby physical conditioning and overall confidence.

During her training, Borza ran in the gym without covering her bald head. She was happy when several members of the community approached her and gently asked about her story. They wanted to share the fact that a loved one or close friend had survived or was currently living with cancer.

In addition to Moms in Training, Borza is on the organizing committee of a charity bowling competition known hilariously as “The Dude Hates Cancer,” a reference to Jeff Bridges’s iconic character “the Dude” in the 1998 film The Big Lebowski. A friend of hers founded the competition nine years ago after both his parents were diagnosed with blood cancer. Each team fundraises and sells raffle tickets. The grand prize for the raffle is the Philly Restaurant Pass: gift certificates to 24 of Philadelphia’s finest restaurants. The 2014 event will be held in September at North Bowl located at 909 North 2nd Street in Northern Liberties. For more information, check out

How has this experience changed Borza’s outlook on life? She now treasures time spent with her family more. Staying home with her daughter for the time being is now a no-brainer, whereas prior to her diagnosis she intended to return to work earlier. She also notes that she takes so much less for granted as she revels in the small pleasures that life has to offer, such as strolling the grounds of Naval Square with her little one and dog Buja in tow.

Of course, there is the pervasive fear that the cancer could return, and Borza finds that she is more acutely health conscious regarding herself and her family since her diagnosis. Two of the best remedies, she’s found, are communication and support. She welcomes individuals who want to talk in an understanding environment to contact her via email. She is happy to share more details about her experience and offer support.


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