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John Heinz Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum

On a clear, sunny day in April 1991, a small plane carrying Republican Senator Henry John Heinz III and a helicopter dispatched to inspect the landing gear of the plane collided in mid-air over Lower Merion Elementary School, near Narberth, PA. Tragically, everyone aboard both aircraft, as well as two children on the ground, was killed.

Following the respected senator’s death, Heinz’s 20 years of public service was recognized by the naming of a college at Carnegie Mellon University after him and the founding of a history center that bears his name. Perhaps one of the highest honors bestowed upon the late senator was the re-naming of the Tinicum National Environmental Center, located a short, 15-minute drive from Naval Square. Heinz was a key player in the initial founding of the refuge in 1972. The John Heinz Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum is the perfect place to visit with family and friends. You can even take your dog along for the trip!

Although the refuge is situated next to the Philadelphia Airport, even planes noisily coming in for a nearby landing cannot detract from the peaceful, natural beauty. Many different native species of trees abound, and all are identified with helpfully detailed signage. Do not, however, venture into the brush; poison ivy is present.

Birdwatchers will delight in the 300 species of birds that call the refuge home. Among them are graceful waterfowl like heron and bald eagles that build their nests at Tinicum. On a recent visit, we spotted swallows flitting across the marshland as they fed on tiny insects not visible to the naked eye.

A number of smaller mammals live there, too, but are unlikely to make a daytime appearance. The refuge has signs that indicate raccoon, muskrat, gray squirrels, and voles and mice live in the woodland areas. As for reptiles, we saw several large turtles slowly swimming in a rather lumbering manner under the murky, green water, probably in search of a fish lunch. Species such as snapping, painted, and eastern box turtles, in addition to a variety of frogs and toads, live in the marshland.

As for activities, hiking appears to be the most popular. There are, after all, more than 10 miles of trails.  Other ways to have fun at Tinicum include biking, which is allowed in some areas, and fishing; due to the polluted waters, however, eating your catch is not advised.

With its cooler temperatures and changing foliage, fall is an ideal time to visit the refuge. One word of caution, though: during a recent visit, we noted several, large ticks that seemed to pop up out of nowhere on our clothes and limbs. You may want to apply insect repellent before you go and inspect your dog, children and selves carefully upon your return.


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